Jen’s review paper “Mechanical regulation of signal transduction in angiogenesis” is accepted and published at Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. We review how variation in the mechanical microenvironment can modulate the angiogenesis process. Jen combed through the literatures and presented an integrated view on how mechanical perturbations, such as stretching and fluid shearing, alter angiogenesis-related signal transduction and gene expression. Congratulations to this comprehensive work, Jen! Shahad contributed to the signal transduction session and the illustration. Good job Shahad!
Our Viscosity Paper is Featured in Nature Physics News and Views
Our paper “Membrane ruffling is a mechanosensor of extracellular fluid viscosity (PDF version:” published today is also highlighted at the Nature Physics News and Views article “Ruffled in water, smooth in honey” . We thank Drs. Laura M. Faure and Pere Roca-Cusachs for their beautiful summary and discussion.
In the following movie, a human cell flattens itself as the viscosity changes so that it can migrate faster in honey-like fluids than in water-like fluids.
More information can also be found at the JHU Hub.
Happy Birthday Jen
We celebrated Jen’s birthday by treating ourselves to a load of crabs at a crab shack.
It was a perfect summer dinner. Happy Birthday Jen!
Dr. Pittman!
Matt successfully defended his thesis and earned his doctorate today. It has been a long and hard journey but Matt got through all the extraordinary challenges brought by experiments, publication process and the pandemic with perseverance and courage. We are very proud of what you accomplished. Congratulations!
We had a great celebration lunch after the defense at a Creole restaurant.
Humza wins Best Poster Award at 15th Nano-Bio Symposium
Humza’s presented his work ” Differential Effects of Extracellular Fluid Viscosity on Epithelial Cell and Fibroblast Migration and Proliferation” at the 15th Nano-Bio Symposium, and won the best poster award (2nd place). More information is available here. Congratulations for your good work and the recognition, Humza!
Welcome Daniel
We welcome the latest addition to MEOW lab, Daniel Yan, a recent graduate from University of Michigan . With his contagious enthusiasm, Daniel will study cell mechanics. We look forward to working with you, Daniel!
Also, what an opportune time to join us – Happy birthday, Daniel!
Matt’s Paper is Accepted at Nature Physics
After months and months of blood, toil, tears and sweat, Matt’s masterpiece about why cells migrate faster in very viscous fluids has been accepted to be published in Nature Physics. We are very proud of your beautiful work, but we are even prouder of the tenacity that you demonstrated through this dramatic and challenging project. You are a true MEOWan Matt!
Wei-Hung Gets His Doctoral Hood
We officially celebrated Wei-Hung’s academic achievement today with other newly minted doctors at Homewood field. We are so honored to have you work with us Wei-Hung!
Dr. Wei-Hung Jung!
We are very very happy to celebrate Wei-Hung’s successful defense that concluded his super-productive PhD training. It has been a journey full of challenges but also of rewarding moments. We are lucky to have Wei-Hung in the lab. He is heading to Harvard for his postdoc training. We wish you the best, Dr. Jung!
Junjie passes GBO exam
Junjie passes his GBO exam today and is one step closer to become Dr. Chen. Congratulations!